Victoria Baths

I was at Victoria Baths in Manchester today to help prepare the shop for the first open day of 2017, which is on Sunday 12th.  I had planned on using a photo of the shop for today's blip, but I wasn't happy with any of them.  So the photo is the front of Victoria Baths, which has been largely restored.

The doors from left to right are 1st Class Males entrance, the entrance to the superintendent's flat, 2nd Class Males entrance and Females Entrance.  There are three pools which are all the same length but decrease in width from left to right.  It is said that clean water was used for the 1st Class Males pool, which was then filtered into the 2nd Class Males pool, and which was then filtered again before being used in the Female Pool.  Designed by a man ...

There is an open day later in the year when you'll be able to swim in the 1st Class Male pool - so no worries about the quality of the water for that one ;-)

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