Anyone for tennis?

This morning CyclopsJnr had a free trial session at Tennis Tots which is tennis for 2.5y+. 

Mixed experience. I think CyclopsJnr is a bit young for it, some of the activities were too complicated and I really can't trust him with a weapon in his hand. That said, he did well with some of the activities and especially enjoyed the parts where he was supposed to hit a ball with a racquet. I think he gave that a fair go for a toddler on his first try, and he seemed to make some progress across the course of the lesson. I'm mulling it over, I think we might hold off a term or two. Second photo in extras.

After the childminder we biked to the park, and CyclopsJnr fell in with a group of seven much larger boys there on their own. They were loud and boisterous but they involved him in very thoughtful ways and addressed him by his name so he must have introduced himself effectively. They all rampaged about for at least half an hour. My god it was cold. I'm not used to sitting on the bench watching yet! But I couldn't bring myself to tear him away he was having such a nice time making friends all by himself.

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