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Pop quiz. Is Sam...

A) Tree hugging

B) Tied up as bait to lure out the beast of Beauty Hill, our now legendary (not imaginary, well at least in my and my sisters minds anyway) black panther

C) Mid-stretch putting up the camera trap

C for sure. Let's face it, I'd be a much better big cat bait prospect, Sam's far too skinny. And as for tree hugging, I'm probably more partial to that when only the hounds are looking. I'm also working the crazy dog lady look here to excellent effect because the wind was so ferocious I swear my ears had frozen off.

But what of Tess? It is International women's day after all. Well, earlier, on the way home after work, she piped up - after putting in an official complaint about having a deranged mother, which is another story - that she no longer wants to be a policewoman because of the paperwork. "Who was telling you about the paperwork?" I asked. "I saw it on Teen Wolf" she replied. Alrighty then, I didn't know Michael J Fox worked for Skills Development Scotland. But apparently it's Teen Wolf 2.0. A whole modern series, involving a heck of a lot of police lady paperwork apparently.

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