
These are the trophies of a slummy housewife who kept her tomatoes too long in a plastic bag acting as a mini poly tunnel. Let this be a warning to you all!
They were so disgusting that it took a lot of courage to isolate them for a blip.

It is a beautifully Spring day at the moment with blue skies, and sunshine making people smile. His Lordship and I travelled across the town to have my final Blip year book printed. My resident editor has signed a disclaimer to doing any more, but since I am wearying a little at the daily grind and am now only taking photos with my phone, his decision is acceptable. Who knows, maybe the Fab 4 will come up with the software to enable us to have them produced painlessly again.

I feel a bit like Mo Farrah who has has gold medals for each of his children. I now have enough year books to leave them one each in my will.
At the moment they are not in the least interested in my life, being too busy with their own, but who knows, sometime in the future they or their descendants might have time to pause and wonder what life was like at the beginning of the 21st century for the matriarch who started life learning to write on a slate and ended typing on her phone. A New Renaissance.

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