...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

We took many adorable pictures today on our digital camera...but there is not a way for us to upload them today. So we will go with what we took on the iPhone. Which, is still adorable, obviously.

This morning started with a walk to the ocean where Miles loved these little tide pools. The first thing he did was walk straight into a foot-deep pool fully clothed and with shoes on and sit down. Why not? This act reminded Mitch and I of a story...a few years ago (pre-Miles) while camping at the ocean we witnessed a toddler do this same thing; where a little boy decided to sit down in the middle of a water stream fully dressed. His parents yelled, "damnit Henry!" and scooped him up. We thought it was a bit ridiculous at the time and have tried to keep that in the back of our minds when Miles does stuff like that. So we just shook our heads and took off his shoes and pants for the rest of the morning stroll on the beach. Because boys will be boys.

After a long time playing in the water, we took off north on HWY 101 to let Miles snooze in the car. When he woke up we grabbed a bite to eat and came back to the campground. We spent the rest of the afternoon on the beach, enjoying the surprisingly warm temperatures. After dad grilled some delicious burgers it was back to the ocean to check out the tide pools again and Miles and Dad even saw some real live crab!

I will say camping with a toddler is as exhausting as it is fun. Mitch and I are now enjoying some beer, wine and a cribbage match while Miles sleeps.

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