Baa Baa Green Sheep

My Dear Fellow,

The budget was yesterday and the government broke its pledge not to raise tax and National Insurance. The Chancellor didn’t actually USE the words “Brexit” and “costly load of b*llocks” but the subtext was clear.

Naturally the right-wing press was all up in arms because Britain, now FREED from the shackles of Marxist Brussels should no longer need taxes at all. Plus we get the Empire back, and the right to CUFF surly foreigners in the street. Take that Jean-Claude! Look out Fritz!

And I was wondering, at what point will I become disengaged from this fiasco and no longer care? Here I am sitting in a tin-can far, far away in residency limbo. But still these people annoy me.

I suppose there will be the Kiwi equivalent waiting for me in NZ anyway. So I thought I should take up the cudgels early and figure out who I will support as a Kiwi resident.

As it turns out there is an online test to see which political party I should follow. It is administered by a cartoon sheep who asks you about various issues. Why don’t you play along with me?!

So how did your results turn out? Mine surprised me a little. It turns out I am not a Labour voter in New Zealand!  I am most closely aligned with the Green Party closely followed by the Maori Party and the Internet Party.

Am I even allowed to vote Maori? I’m pretty sure I have no Polynesian blood in me. Maybe I should check the family records. I'll bet my Uncle Wiremu would know.

El P.

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