Hills Cemetery #3

Such an amazingly beautiful day today..warm sunny and just brilliant! I found more Juniper shield bugs at work, and enjoyed photographing them, especially when they opened their wings to fly away! 
After work I went to the cemetery to have a look around and found this Peacock butterfly Aglais io sunning itself on the fence. 
I realise this isn't a sign that spring is truely here as Peacocks (like Small tortoishells, Commas, Brimstones and to some extent Red admirals) overwinter as adults, and can often be seen on warm sunny days even in the midst of winter. The first real spring butterfly in my opinion is the Orange tip, which overwinters as a pupa, hatching in the spring....hopefully they won't be long now!
I am running the moth trap tonight...all this warm weather has made me hopeful

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