A Meandering Life...

By Skeena


Colour Month Challenge (CMC17) & Mono Monday example* all in one.

Next week’s Mono Monday theme is ‘DEPTH OF FIELD’.

Now here’s the thing, all images have a depth of field (DOF), some very shallow like my example and others very wide were the image is sharpe from foreground to infinity. One thing I ask you try is do one you don’t normally do. This may involve coming off auto for some… 

I tend to have a shallow DOF because I have bad camera shake. Using a larger aperture will increase the speed you can take the image. The distance away from the subject will also effect the DOF. Nearer and shallower it gets. I was about 3” away from these pencils. There has been no fiddling with this image, it’s what my camera phone will do.

If you want to read some technical things about DOF try this. There’s plenty more to be found on the web thingy.

* In colour....

Mono Monday 163 Hearts

In no particular order I have chosen these:

Delena-Jane : A fine example of shallow DOF and of course SMALL.

john39 : This made me smile as soon as I saw it.

DigitalDavid : I like your thinking and imagination. Thinking outside the box!

richardg : Well spotted and executed.

nangee : Simple, sweet and spot on for the challenge.

I have not selected any special mentions because there's too many to pick. If you haven't taken a look at others I'd encourage you to check them out.

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