Crazy dancer

Her favourite brand of footwear and socks are going to be doing an ambassador search for the UK soon. She's very keen to be chosen so has been sporting her Mad Mias as much as possible and having me take fun/crazy photos in them! This was the afternoons offering before she trotted off to band. 

Our Monday was slightly swapped round today - she had her lesson after school instead of before this week. She concentrated really well, especially given it was an after school lesson which isn't always her best time for the concentration that music lessons require. Lots of new things learnt and set to take home and some good work on things that weren't quite right. We went straight home from there to get quickly ready before band. 

She was very chatty about the visit they had at school today from Professor Brainstorm. He comes every year to launch the school STEM week. He did a totally different set of demonstrations this year and Katie liked that when he was choosing a volunteer he said "you there, the one who's getting all the answers right" and picked her. She also liked that when he made a clarinet out of a mouthpiece, reed and piece of tube she knew that it was a G. "I just did, Mama. I can tell. It's a G". 

They're working hard at band for Music for Youth next week. They came home with their uniform requirements and it said "black shoes, no trainers or bright colours and no wacky bright socks". Katie stood there holding that letter, dressed as she is in the photo. It's like they wrote it to my child personally! 

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