
By KimChristie

Bogstadvannet Revisited

Better BIG!
Today has been a good one...more or less.
I was up early (my turn as i got the long lie yesterday) with Little S so the pair of us had a sleepy but relatively productive start. We were soon joined by Wee B and the morning kicked off properly. By the time Bjornico was up and about I was all ready for my morning run.
I am not very good at planning my runs, they tend to unfold as I go. They vary wildly depending on how I feel in the moment. However, as it is less than 3 weeks until my half marathon I have been trying to increase my distances in preparation. Today I had planned (this plan unfolded as I was out and discovered that today was a good running day) a run of around 15km which I was happy with. However, I got a real shock at 9.5km´s when a wasp flew up my left nostril, embedded itself there and proceeded to sting me in the face multiple times. 3 hard blows of my nose and it was out but my goodness i had forgotten how painful a wasp sting is. My run was thus cut short as I couldn´t see from the involuntary tears running from my eyes (not crying I may add) and the stream of snot running from my nose (some kind of reaction is all i can assume as I do not have a cold). So I ran the last km home (the last 5 are an extra loop off the normal path) half holding my pained face and fighting to see!!! WHAT a monstrous beautiful sight that mut have been for passers by on a Sunday morning.
Thankfully however I do not react badly to stings and the like being a rather hardy Scottish beast, so other than the pain I was still in fairly good spirits.
I had promised the kiddos a trip to a local farm to see the animals so post run shower done and dusted we headed out into the glorious afternoon sunshine for a countryside wander.
I have photographed this very place previously sans enfants, but as the monkeys inserted themselves in it today while dangling their toes in the water and trying to entice ducks with sticks and old leaves I thought it looked too good to miss.
Animals petted, ducks chased then home for a delicious Moroccan lamb stew, one of my favourites and as requested by husband.
Now time to get said enfants into bed so i can have a few hours of peace and quiet before bed and another hectic week.
Hope you have all had a happy Sunday.

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