Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008


Keyhaven's a great place to go when you need headspace and plenty of air to breathe. In fact, there isn't much else there except air and water and little boats bobbing in the harbour. I walked a short bit along the Solent Way towards Lymington - in the rain and the wind - and enjoyed the solitude, even if it did smell strongly of salt marsh! I saw egrets, swans and gulls but a lot of the smaller waders seemed to be hiding.

Anyway, I liked this shot of the tiny harbour and the rather leached out colour which suited the day and my thought processes. And now I'm going to enjoy Sunday evening.

Also this morning did some shopping in Winchester for my hols, which was really exciting - I can't believe we're going a week tomorrow - woooooo!

Have a good week, folks!

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