Turf wars

Turf wars are going on in our garden at the moment. This adult blackbird (who you have seen much of before) is trying to hold his territory against his last offspring who is not shy, will take a mealworm from within a cm of my hand. I like this new kid, but feel loyalty to the parent who nearly lost his life to a cat this summer. He's looking pretty scruffy right now, his neck is practically featherless.
In other news, the very photogenic robin seems to have been scared off by an adult robin. Frankly this one is gonna have to man-up a bit, cos everytime I open the door to throw him mealworms he scarpers and the sparrows and blackbirds get them. So far, he's a poor substitute. Back to school tomorrow, so time to loaf about in the garden is going to be severely limited. Sigh...

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