Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Woo hoo

It's been a good day today.  I got my car back and they didn't charge me a thing.  Can you believe that?  I feel like I have won lotto.  While the loan car was low, sporty and had more bells and whistles than a morris dance convention, I do prefer my own car.  It is a higher off the ground and I can manage a very ladylike exit and entry rather than the extraction that was required with the lower model.

Anyhoo, I took the hounds for a walk along the breakwall.  We encountered a sheep and a goat out for a walk not to mention a lot of surfers who were coming back from surfing the harbour.   Always good when the seas are up as they are now.

I am looking forward to a lie in tomorrow but then it is a visit to the nursing home.  A relatively quiet weekend compared to the last few weeks.

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