Excuse Me Please
My Dear Fellow,
This is how Er Indoors awoke this morning, with a cat peering at her.
It is Punky's way. Jasper is more direct; he just SHOUTS when he wants something. But he doesn't tend to wake us up. Jasper, fortunately for us, is a late sleeper.
Not so with Punky. He creeps up and PEERS at you hopefully from about 5am onward. You may be vaguely aware of him, but ignore it. If you open your eyes, you will note he shuffles his feet and looks hopeful.
If you then turn your back, his campaign gathers pace. He sneaks up and sits nearby and PURRS intently. It's a nice way to be woken up, but still - you're woken up.
I've been known to ignore stage 2 purring. But if this goes on to no avail, then Punky will eventually deploy THE PAW.
Pat. Pat pat. I say... I'm just a little hungry. Pat.
To be honest, it's easier just to give in and feed him on your way to your early morning wee.
And then when you're back in bed having fed him his jellymeat, you'll find yourself bolt awake. Meanwhile, himself is having his big post-breakfast wash in preparation for HIS nap. He has no sense of irony.
El P.
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