Another glorious sky

Bin day today and the less than glorious job of putting the bin out did afford me the opportunity of seeing this sky this morning. By the time I was walking Bailey less than 5 minutes later, it had turned grey and has stayed like that all day. Bailey was more interested in smells than sights as evidenced by his extra. 

Four lessons taught and a bit of time to tick things off my own list in the fifth and then meeting a prospective student at the end of it all about sums up my Friday. I am glad to be done with this week for no reason other than how busy things are at the moment and that a break from it all is very welcome. 

I came home via the supermarket and Bailey was fairly pleased to see me but much more interested in his tea and is now having a lie-down full stretch on my bed whilst I am down a floor, watching Friday telly and trying to keep my eyes open. 

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