Swimmers' Log Book


Forever Country

Today was too good for words. Absolutely amazing!!! Made all the more so by sharing it with my gorgeous girls, who were as crazily excited as I was.

How the day panned out:
Cup of tea in bed (no school for me today!)
Breakfast while watching Holby.
A little bit of maths research (I know, day off, but I enjoyed it).
Nachos for lunch.
Girls home.
Drive to the O2.
Bought some bargain CDs.
Heidi got her shirt signed (and a selfie taken) with British duo, Ward Thomas, after their beautiful 'warm up' gig outside the main stadium.
Big fat burger dinner (Heidi had pizza and 7up- not on the pizza this time!)
2 songs by Chase (yep, just 2).
Hour's set by the awesome, smiley, genuinely pleased to be in the UK and blown away by 20,000 brits knowing his songs, Chris Young.
Followed by...
Brad Paisley!!!!!! Who opened with our Friday song, 'crushing it' and went on to knock out ALL our favs. He is just the BEST!!! So, so pleased and proud that my girls (and Joe) love him too. I've done something right!
As Brad says, the memory of a day like today will get me through the rest of my life.
Forever Country!

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