
Her: "What's your name?"
Me: I'm Fiona
Her: "That's a good name, I am Pearl"

Just one of the many absolutely gorgeous children that I met today at St. George's School and Orphanage. I went after work with a colleague who goes once a week to help them with their reading. It was amazing. We had a group of girls first then the boys. They were all between 10-13 but Pearl kept peering in through the slatted doors to see what was going on. They all oozed happiness and enthusiasm, it was all rather humbling but I loved every minute of it. We read a few pages of Charlotte's Web and I was amazed at their capabilities. If they haven't got lessons on Saturday morning, I'm hoping to go back for a couple of hours because they break for summer holidays next week for 2 months and those that don't have their own families go to sponsor families. Tough eh?

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