
By YorkieFife


I'd shot a natural light portrait of the middle offspring earlier. Used the garage wall to emphasise the shallow DoF for the shade. Was only waiting for the kids to go to bed before posting and they were all out playing.

Middle one managed to crash his bike into one of next doors kids (on her bike). He fell off, she stayed up. Bashed his head and got a big lump on it along with a graze. Large graze on his ribs and a very sore wrist. He's normally like a stereotypical rugby player and wants to carry on playing despite hurting himself, so when he was crying with the wrist (didn't worry abour the rest), we were sure there was some damage.

Trip to A&E at the Vic. Xray taken, turns out he's fractured the wrist. One backslab cast on (plaster technicians required for full cast), arm in sling and he's happy as the proverbial Larry that he's going to have even more attention from the girls at school tomorrow.

So, instead of a nice portrait, we've got an arm in a sling with a cast on!

Converted from raw to JPG, correction to WB only and upload.

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