869. Finally used my new Slate!
It was quite a strange day yesterday...(it's now 12:05am) and a few things occurred that made me feel a little sad.....so whilst hubby was watching the rugby (that wasn't the cause of my sadness...although it was disappointing....) I decided to have a go at using the Iskn Slate that my hubby bought me for Christmas which had been in danger of becoming a complete waste of money as I had it switched on once on Christmas day...did an awful drawing and put it away again...
It didn't seem to work as described when I tried it on Christmas day and I wasn't sure that it would ever do what I had hoped it would do....that is encourage me to sketch something then process it in Photoshop and create something I liked.....but when I switched it on today there was a software and hardware update...and it began to work exactly as I thought it would....
So I looked around at some of my photos from my holiday and decided to try and draw Paula's lovely lab, Arwen peeking over the back seat of her car when she and her lovely hubby took us out for the day a couple of weeks ago....as she looked adorable....
So here is my attempt at drawing her...not perfect but I was quite pleased with the results as at least it looks like a lab!
I now have a bit of confidence to try some other sketches....I have these ideas that I'd like to draw wood nymphs and fairies and then colour them in using Photoshop as that will make me learn more about the technicalities of using brushes and so on. I'd like to use some of the images that I have in my library as backgrounds and see where this takes me.....I'm no artist and I'm not really that creative but this seems like a good way to explore what I can do...sorry Blip friends but you may have to be subjected to my creations!
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