Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Silly me

Normally I am not afraid or scared when I walk by myself (the dog was there too) but today I seemed to have the heebie-jeebies.   I walked about 2-3 miles in the woods, along a road for a ways and then back on the trail in the woods.   There was no one else at this area today..I walk here about once a month and I am usually alone.   And really enjoy my alone time.  Today just felt different..

So I looked up and spotted this Ent..he was startled as I was!  I told him I did not mean to startle him ( you can see his eye is rolled back and his mouth is a big "OH"  and that I was really enjoying his forest.  He gave me the once over and decided  I was ok.     I think the Ents (Lord of the Rings trees that talked and walked for those who do not know Ents) were all talking among themselves..just below my hearing level.  But I could "feel" them  so that explained my heebie-jeebies.  The Ent and I talked a few more minutes while I drank some water.   I gave him a hug and proceeded on my walk.   

The dog looked back  a couple of times.  She must have heard it too.

I really felt better after this conversation with the tree.   

In the extra is another tree that might have been mumbling under its breath!

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