Freedom Tower

We spent a good part of the day at the 911 Memorial Museum.  I am not sure I was ready for it, even though nearly 16 years have passed.  The museum is excellent, a vivid and accurate depiction of the day, the events leading up to it and the aftermath. Every life lost is memorialized and remembered there.  It is absolutely gut-wrenching.  As I looked at some of the young people viewing the exhibits, I realized it was an important history lesson for them.  They are too young to remember it. For us oldsters, the memories of that day are just like yesterday.

For the second time this week, I am posting a picture of the Freedom Tower.  A few days ago I shot it from nearly 6 miles away, at a higher elevation so it looked smaller. (Posted in extras on Weds.)  Today I stood right in front of it where you can see its height and the cloud reflections make it appear transparent. 

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