
By Nettenet

Tears have been shed

Official moving day today. 3 cars were packed up with the last of her bits (still a couple of bits left for her to collect during the week) and off we went. Once there I assembled their dining chairs, Josh and Natalie put together new chest of drawers and then a computer desk. Mo was busy sorting out the bathroom and Bex was cleaning. Lots of unpacking, sorting and cleaning to do but they are both off this week and of course they've got all the time in the world now they are in.

I'm so proud of what they have both achieved and wish them all the happiness in the world. Bex had tears here before we left and again when I left her this afternoon which of course started me off. She will be fine but I will miss her loads. Just as well the next few weeks are full on to keep me busy.

I bought this statuette for Bex and Mo... she said it feels like holding an oscar! :-D))

(Throat still sore and still coughing:-(()

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