Freaking Freezing
I have been waiting for it to warm up a tad before going into the woods. However, I woke up this morning and started to get that old urge again. Checked the weather and it was -21C (with windchill)... -15C without. Plus, there is a winter storm on its way which could dump 20 cm of snow on us, starting tomorrow. I realized that this would be a great day to people, birds tend to be out more before a storm to prepare for little food during the storm, and likely little people have been around for the past several days due to the cold. I was right. What a great morning!
I saw the deer first thing and had brought along some carrots and apples for the mama to be. Was able to get some great photos of the two little females as well. No deer photos as the birds were extraordinary today so I had to blip them instead.
I literally ran when I heard the familiar call of the Red Bellied. He just had to be the main blip with his cool 'do'! Here are the extras: There were about 20 Blue Jays trying to take all my peanuts and I rather liked the spread of the tail feathers on one. The grackles were back and feisty so they had to be blipped as well. I always marvel at their colouring...sort of like wild turkeys that way. And finally, just leaving the parking lots, I saw a familiar but unfamiliar silhouette for these parts....a Bald Eagle! He was far away and over the field so not a great shot but undeniable that it was indeed a Bald Eagle. I know they are as common as crows in some parts, but not around here so I was absolutely thrilled!!
Cold? Not at all ; )
Hope that you are all having an awesome weekend!
D x
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