
Whilst I am almost psychotically optimistic about most things, I must confess that I like a little bit of contingency in my plans. Yesterday's scheme to get to London, park up, and meet everyone for supper relied on everything going strictly to plan, as did today's arrangements. Two days on the trot. Jeez. And both worked out perfectly!

Today, there was all the planning around the conference, starting at eight, this morning, and most particularly getting packed up in time at the end so that we could get away to meet our friends at the Smugglers' Tavern on Warren Street (super-convenient for Warren Mews!). 

What a lovely crowd! Including my best friends from Hong Kong, school, and university. Plus they had Meantime beer. No longer an independent brewery, admittedly, they still have a special place in my heart as they went into business just before I did and, sharing our name, we used to get some of their email, which I dutifully forwarded to Alastair Hook. We never met, but after this had been going on for a while, he did send me a case of their beers to say thank you, which was very sweet of him and very enjoyable, too.

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