
See the big boss on the left with his prominent horns?  He's obviously supervising the rest of the herd.  They're supposed to keep their heads down and focus on the job at hand.  Shot at the Hellegat.  I think it's time I explained this name.  'Hel' translates to 'hell', but in this area it refers to a tributary of the Haringvliet River.  'Gat' means 'hole', so we could be tempted to translate the whole thing as 'hellhole', which would be quite convenient.  However, in this case, the 'hole' being referred to here is the mouth of the Hell tributary where it joins the Haringvliet.  The area of the Hellegat is actually the place where the waters meet and flood the surroundings, resulting in a large area of wetland, marsh, and grazing land.  The cattle and horses grazing here are privately owned (you can see the ear tags sometimes) but are nevertheless kept as far as possible from human contact.  In short, I do not have to worry about getting too near those rather long horns.  Dikes, ditches and barbed wire fences make sure the hikers, photographers, and picknickers keep distance.

Went to work, worked, went back home.  Actually finished quite an amount of work and that was because I was able to stay quietly in the office.  Of course, next week there will still be a lot of work, but well, that is always to be expected, especially when a new curriculum is going through some kind of teething stage.  Yes, it should have been tried out first on a control group.  No, it wasn't.  Yes, as long as they keep my salary coming, I don't have to mind at all, but, yes, I do mind when things aren't going as they should.

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