
After a hectic weekend culminating in 2 hours of ten pin bowling last night I had shrewdly scheduled in a WFH day today.

However, I am on a 42 day streak of hitting my steps target and had to get 15,000 in so popped out for a lunchtime 8.5 km run followed by a 3.5 km walk to the shops for part of our dinner.

Whilst I was home though I came across this story L wrote some time ago and made me lol!

It was based on a night I dropped her off at Rainbows and as I was leaving waving bye bye unopened the cupboard door and walked in thinking it was the main exit door.
Thankfully only one or two of the other mums saw it.

I took L swimming in the evening where we bumped into L's friend Anna before heading home.

I am booked into Body Balance tonight but not sure I have the energy.

Maybe catch up with the Walking Dead instead.

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