My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Surprise gift!

After having the whole school sing happy birthday to me on Friday, one of my year 6 maths group must have told his mum is was my birthday. She often stops and chats to me in the playground when I'm on duty before school and asks after Baby L. Anyway, she sent a very lovely and unexpected gift in with her son this morning... a large box of choccies and a book which she used to read to her daughter when she was small. All accompanied by a thoughtful message written in the card.

Some people are just kind by nature.

Baby L slept until 1am last night (which was lovely) but, again, stayed awake for around 2 hours. Am not impressed by this new pattern! Am going to ask the nursery to not let her sleep so much there in the mornings with a view to dropping the morning nap at some point.. we'll see if it helps over time.

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