What Captures My Interest

By Erikalv

Ariah and her Sea Shell

Ariah stayed over last night and she just loves hanging out with the girls (Tessa and I). She got attached to this sea shell that I use as a decor and started to make up all kinds of sounds when putting it next to her ear. I don't see her often so when I do see her she seems more grown up and her vocabulary amazes me. She'll be four in a couple of months.....where does the time fly?

On a another note......I'm going thru some sort of transition. I can't seem to figure it out but I can sense and feel something coming.......something good. I don't mean from another person. I mean from myself. I'm finding pleasure in being alone....doing my own thing. I don't know.....it's like calmness is settling in.

I hope everyone is and has enjoyed their weekend. No work tomorrow so one more day of siesta.

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