Rain, Rain, Go Away

Looking at the paper I can see rain for the upcoming week. That's on top of the rain we've been having all month. So here's the deal. We are all ready for spring here. So get with it Weather Gods, could we please have some real sunny luscious spring weather, soon?!?

Not sure you noticed but I didn't blip yesterday. That's only the fourth time in seven years, but who's counting? Ha ha. Late yesterday I realized I hadn't taken any photos, much like many recent days. But yesterday I said to myself, "Screw it! I'm not going to chase around the house at 11:30 looking for a photo." And I didn't.

News from yesterday: Dave and Nora came up and we all went to visit Arvin. It was Nora's first time at Silverado and she was duly impressed. They both also noticed how much Arvin has declined of late. We stayed until dinner time and then we skipped out while he was sitting with folks getting ready to have his dinner. (That actually worked well because he wasn't at the door looking out when we left.) We went to Jalpeno's for dinner and then came home to play games and look at my Belize trip book. We had a good time together.

Today my friend Anna is coming over and we are joining Arvin for lunch. We have known Anna for many years. We met through pen collecting. She stayed with us when she first moved to Bellingham. She is a good friend. I think Arvin will remember her with a few reminders of our many times together.

I'm doing busy stuff for the rest of the day and having a quiet evening at home. Have a good day everybody.

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