Migrant in Moscow

By Migrant

Out of Africa

And back to Moscow.  A midnight departure with KLM.  Every seat was taken on the plane but what calm, thoughtful service in every respect.  I thought this image captured the ambience of departure in all its respects too.

Meanwhile on this day in Petrograd, 12 March 1917, the French Ambassador, Maurice Paleologue, writes: "At half-past eight this morning, just as I finished dressing, I heard a strange and prolonged din which seemed to come from the Alexander Bridge. I looked out: there was no one on the bridge, which usually presents such a busy scene. But, almost immediately, a disorderly mob carrying red flags appeared at the end which is on the right bank of the Neva, and a regiment came towards it from the opposite side. It looked as if there would be a violent collision, but on the contrary the two bodies coalesced. The army was fraternizing with revolt."

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