Still laid up
I was expecting Noo to be bouncing around this morning, as he'd stopped vomiting at 8pm and had a good sleep, but he woke up at 6am crying with a temperature. I dragged myself off to work and GravyC stayed home with him. He was still spiking a temperature when I got home at lunchtime, so I took him to the GP surgery. Our lovely GP gave him a quick check over and noted that there was a lot of vomiting going on in Heathfield and surrounding areas. His advice was to ensure he was drinking, but to bring him back if he deteriorated. On the way home Noo started to complain of a sore throat. His throat hadn't been examined, and now I'm wondering whether he might have tonsillitis, which he seems prone to. One of the hardest things to deal with is his temperature induced hallucinations / terrors, or whatever they are.
Hoping he'll be better tomorrow :(
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