Saturday: Acclimatising

We have actually come a ridiculously long way round to reach our final destination.  After a five hour flight to Toronto (landing at 0500 in the morning), a four hour layover, and another five and half hour flight, we are now in Huatulco, Mexico (in Oaxaca province).  I have no idea why our flights were like that (other that there are no direct flights from Vancouver, but there were options that made more sense) - but, to put in perspective, we have travelled two sides of a triangle to reach a point more or less south of Vancouver.

Anyway, no matter - it's hot, sultry, steamy and promises to be very relaxing.  We arrived mid-afternoon, explored the hotel and grounds (seen here, had a swim, followed by dinner, after which we hit a bit of a brick wall due to our missed night of sleep.  Luckily, there is only a minimal time difference with which to contend.  

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