From Mum's Kitchen

I brought a second suitcase back to Christchurch with me. It had a mix of framed pen and ink drawings I'd done, my framed degree certificates (what on earth do you do with those?), a small painting I'd done and Mum had framed, and a few bits of her bake ware.

It's all a bit tricky because Mum trained me (and I readily adopted it) to get rid of something when something new enters home. The artwork can wait until I'm in my new place and I'm guessing I'll have another cull of stuff.

Mum's baking cooling racks are magnificent. They're strong and durable so that's an easy one, mine are destined for the op shop.

Her original muffin tin is differently shaped and sized than what you get now, not too big and not too small. They're perfect for Christmas fruit mince pies using the pastry recipe handed down from Nana. I'll have to assess how many muffin tins I have and go from there.

Mum's fruit cake tin definitely doesn't replace anything I have. I can count on one hand the number of fruit cakes I've made. I helped Mum make many and now I have her tine at least I have the option.

There are a few other odds and ends too, a retro tray she bought with me on a visit to Christchurch, a meat tenderiser, and a couple of Christmas biscuit cutters.

I guess I've parted with so much over the past months I'm allowed a few things to come back in the door. As I pack I'll apply my mantra (it's on the fridge lest I forget).

"Do I need it?".

"Why do I have it?".

My answers to both cover needs and wants, and help to keep clutter at bay.

I'm feeling a little sorry for myself tonight, I have the feeling that I might be coming down with a cold. As much as I'd like to tumble into bed I need to work through the title and LIM documents for my new house. My lawyer needs my acceptance or otherwise tomorrow.

There is little rest for house buyers and sellers.

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