Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Flying in the face of adversity

In readiness for the possibility that Theresa May might trigger Article 50, I decided to prepare some 'Bonkers Tuesday' shots. First I covered our 3-phase generator with some rather fetching chintz-effect vinyl, then I got out the Gambian wood carving of conga-ing crocodiles and finally I filled the bowl supported by these beasts with magenta dyed seed pods which I suspect are a Japanese flower-arranging accessory. In the event May behaved herself which was lucky because I wasn't altogether happy with the shots I had taken.

I was much happier with these blankets on the washing line. I like to think they are the result of recycled water bottles but how would I know? How would anyone?

The day was fabulously topped off with Kellyanne Conway's suggestion that a person can surveil another person using microwaves that turn into cameras etc. From the very first time I saw her, just after the inauguration, coming up with the term 'alternative facts' I have wanted to ask the following question. It would be an extremely rude question if it were based purely upon her appearance, but it is not, it is a question about the wet grey stuff concealed behind her face;

Was she ever a boxer?
It's still a rude question isn't it.

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