
Katie and Bert have really strengthened their friendship recently. Katie is the one Bert most trusts. She lets Katie stroke her just for the sake of it and comes running when she hears Katie's voice. To be fair, its not surprising as almost every time katie comes to Bert she finds something to eat! But they're really enjoying each other's company.

Church this morning. Katie was pleased I was doing the kids singing time. She had a play out on the adventure playground with her friends after church. We went home and did some piano. B had given her a line of music to learn earlier in the week and on Friday added the second line. Katie was determined to learn it today. We did some snuggling before an afternoon tea date with B! Her daughter was visiting and they'd asked if we wanted to go for coffee. B filled katie with a spectacular pile of chocolate-
Tiffin, hot chocolate and chocolate flake! She was very bouncy. B also told Katie she could move onto the third line of her funky new piece. She went home and had it sorted straight away ready for tomorrow's lesson!

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