The Middle of a BAD Day

One of these days where no matter what you do, and no matter what goes right, something happens to flatten everything else.
This was a middle episode – I headed out to M for Morton to pay the paper bill and get a WidWed ‘M’ shot at Morton Post Office.  I forgot the Canon 7D (left on the dining table . . . ) so I had to make do with the telephone.
When I got home I was greeted by our lad who had just wrecked our DC01 so I had to go to Stamford to pick up a new vacuum cleaner!!  Thought I would drop into the Stamford Sainsburys for some odds and sods only to find they did not have what I wanted and I had to head to Bourne Sainsburys (on the way back anyway) to do the shop.  Hence the day culminated with me leaving my best bunch of shopping bags (including a Waitrose big green cool bag) on the back of the trolley at Stamford ! . ! . ! . !
So that’s it – I’m not even sure if I should risk Blipping . . . ?  I will definitely put off any commenting until tomorrow at the earliest.
So here you have a colourful Morton Post Office (and stores).
Thanks to BobBlips and Hobb’s Run, our hosts today.

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