Election Day

Went to work, worked, went back home.  Can't get any more routine than that.  Again busier than I thought I'd be.  The day began on a funny note, though.  As I posted yesterday, I put up some shelves for my stuff.  Today, a couple of other colleagues came in and noticed my shelves.  The cabinet was no longer empty.  He remarked that now that I had done that, there was no longer an empty cabinet to hide in in case a crazy person entered the premises with a gun and started shooting.  The empty cabinet could have been a good hiding place for at least three people.  E then showed us a rope that she had in her cabinet which could be used to help us climb down through the window to the ground floor, quite a way down from five floors up.  We then planned where we could hide ourselves in case something happened.  One colleague could enter the cabinet, another three could hide under the tables, and two or three could stand very close to the wall near the door because that corner wouldn't be visible to anyone who looked through the glass in the door.  I volunteered to be the one to creep on my knees and lock the door.  We even tried it out and calculated positions, how much time it would take to hide, how low I had to creep to lock the door, how to knot the rope to the window frame, how long it might take to climb down the rope.  One would have thought we were serious ... or nuts.

It was indeed busy but more with desk-and-computer work than with classes.  I am glad for days like that.  This was shot on the Haringvliet Bridge on the way home.  I thought of detouring to the Hellegat but then remembered that we hadn't voted yet, so hurried home.  Hubby and I strolled to the voting centre.  Then back home, dinner, and 5.5 hours of NCIS, the usual Wednesday evening.  Finally, we sneaked a peek at the election results.  Our candidate never wins but we didn't mind at all because the one we definitely didn't vote for didn't win either.  THAT is really a victory for us.  The Netherlands has proven once again that it is able to keep its head cool.  Personally, I am thankful that we live in this rather stable environment.  The older I get, the more I appreciate this.

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