
Aethon ni allan heno i ymweld â synagog am gyfarfod rhyng-ffydd. Roedd siaradwyr oedd dod o gymunedau Iddewig, Mwslim a Christion.  Siaradon ni am ragfarn a throseddau casineb. Siaradodd o'r siaradwyr am Dewi Sant a ddywedodd "Gwnewch y pethau bychain mewn bywyd".  Dyn ni i gyd yn gallu "Gwnewch y pethau bychain" i helpu adeiladu byd mwy cyfeillgar.

Ar ddiwedd y noswaith aethon ni i weld y cysegr a chlywon nhw mwy am y ffydd Iddewig.

Yn gynharach yn y dydd ro'n i wedi tynnu llun o'r magnolia, ac ar ôl ein hymweld i'r synagog, ro'n i'n meddwl bod nhw'n edrych tipyn bach fel menorah - y saith-gangen canhwyllbren - ro'n ni wedi gweld yn y synagog.


We went out tonight to visit a synagogue for an interfaith meeting. There were speakers were from the Jewish, Muslim and Christian communities. We talked about prejudice and hate crimes. One of the speakers spoke about Saint David who said "Do the little things in life". We can all "Do the little things" to help build a more friendly world.

At the end of the evening we went to see the sanctuary and  heard more about the Jewish faith.

Earlier in the day I had taken a photograph of the magnolia, and after we visited the synagogue, I thought that it looked a bit like the menorah - the seven-branch candlestick - we'd seen in the synagogue.

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