Irongray Church

Today's the day ...................... to come home

The wanderers returned this morning, a day later than they planned because of New York's blanket of snow which meant cancelled flights.  That meant that our baby/dog sitting duties were at an end and it was time to return home.

We wandered a little off the usual route and came upon this rather impressive church at Kirkpatrick in the parish of Irongray, near Dumfries.  Although the present church was re-built in 1803 with the tower added in 1872, the site existed much earlier - probably one of several holy places dedicated to St Patrick by itinerant monks from the Celtic monastic centre at Whithorn.

The parish has a strong Covenanting history - its minister, Rev. John Welsh, great-grandson of John Knox was deprived of his living in 1662 when he refused to conform to the teachings of the Episcopalian church of the day.  He became one of the first field-preachers and in 1678, he and three colleagues held the 'Great Conventicle' on Skeoch Hill when over 3,000 followers came from afar to worship in their chosen way.  

We're now home - and life is returning back to the normal routine.  But it will probably take a few days before I stop listening out for baby cries - or checking that all is well with precious charges.  This house seems very quiet .......................

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