Gift from the Heart

When I received a call from Grant at the Funeral home and was told a package had been delivered there for me I was a bit confused. I knew I had not ordered anything, nor had my sister. We headed over to solve the mystery. As I Opened the box I saw a small enevelpoe with my name on it. As soon as I saw the sweet little drawing on the card I knew who the gift was from. No one else could have created the card. The beautiful words inside touched my heart and when I saw the artwork I had tears in my eyes. It is the perfect gift and that Paula thought enough of me to send it touched me. There are no words to describe how I feel about this gift. I have always said that the Blip community is like no other community out there and that you will never meet a more caring group of people. I feel I have made real friends here and I treasure you all. Thank you again Paula for this beautiful gift from your heart. I will treasure it always. <3

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