
The sky was a lovely orange colour as I drove to work this morning.

I took a quick detour to try and get a shot, but when I got to my target destination the sun wasn't lining up with the shore, so I headed off to work, only to spot this in the mirror. Luckily i hadn't yet hit the motorway section and was able to pull over, get the camera out my bag and rattle off some shots before it was too high in the sky.

Had planned to attempt more long exposures tonight, but they grey cloud has just descended and knocked that one on the head, so i'm glad I already had a good shot in the bag just incase.

Looking back over my journal entries i've noticed that I don't actually talk about much other than the weather, what i've been eating or drinking etc etc, so pretty boring stuff. Not that much happening at the moment thats worth writing about. I'm pretty chilled, work is good, just getting my head down and stuck into things and just signed up to another extension through 'till March, so all good work wise and home life isn't too shabby either. For once in my life it's nice to have little going on.

Can't say the same about Mrs P though. She's been an absolute star getting tradesmen organised for my aunt & uncles place which badly needed decorated, some plumbing and electric work done and lots and lots of cleaning as they are both too old/exhausted or unable. She's been non stop at it and will be glad when it's all done and we're on holiday and i'll be running round for her whilst she lazes at the poolside or on the beach.


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