School day

I wish every day was a school day. I love learning new things. And this weekend has been great for learning a bit more about how to use my music software and kit as part of the collaboration with Simon. I've come away from it feeling a bit more confident about writing music on my own, too. 

Today we spent a bit more time on the recording. Simon wanted to layer on a bit more piano, which I thought would be too much - especially as he has to talk over it - but actually, when I got back from walking to Booths to get us some lunch, I found that I liked what he'd done and we recorded that as well.

After that it was time to record Electronic Ears. When I was on Indigo FM, I had quite a few different guests but Simon is the only guest I've had on Cando FM. This week, he returned for a second show, which we devoted to Gary Numan. (Funnily enough, the whole of the last show I recorded on Indigo was based on Gary Numan. Hopefully this won't be my last week on Cando!)


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