The real me

Today I bring you a blip so dull and mundane, you know it must be all of my own making. I was rather hoping yesterday to get the parents photo that made me so happy to see under the radar without anyone particularly noticing. Obviously forgetting that a load of people would in fact get emailed about it. Never mind, it still makes me happy to see, and you are a lovely lot to pop by and say hello, thank you.

My forgetfulness was in part due to this particularly exhausting week which all caught up with me today about lunch time. Poor Jay got the brunt of my irrational, touching hysterical upset where I was completely unable to express any real facts. Happily, everything now is done for the day so I can flop and look forward to getting all caught up tonight.

And this beauty? Don't tell me you don't know what it is?? We have it for a week, running 24/7 making an irritating noise. It's not going to be annoying at all.....

Happy Friday lovelies X

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