Observations in time

By walkingwummin

The night before

What a day-off to the airport again first thing to pick up our nephew and his girlfriend from Maine. Home and then to St Andrews to drop them at their B+B only he had no idea of the details and his phone was dead!

Back to pick up the cake, meet my sisters in law and then off to St Andrews again with said cake, all the booze and various table decorations.

We ended up there till about 7pm-S decorating the photo booth and tables then organising the take away for tea and catching up with my sister from New Zealand.

We looked on while T and L wrote their vows(!!!?) and finalised the playlists. I found myself back on the road to St Andrews to swing by the wedding venue to find T's laptop cable and drop him off at the hotel where he and his brother were staying. It was about 1am when I got home and must say I was pooped! 

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