
A busy day. Again.

Not much of it was work, so the pain was less.

I had 90 minutes at the optician. All the usual tests. All in reasonable working order, given the age and history of the owner.

Lunch out with Maxwell. He's a former colleague from Ghana and is on a 7 week business trip to the UK. He's staying with me for a few days.

He keeps his outdoor fleece on even when eating dinner. If your weather means 33⁰c every day of the year (the only variations being whether its raining or sunny) Scotland's wet 8⁰c must be a bit painful.

I managed to read the newspaper - well some of it. Nothing there to lift spirits.

For those who don't know Scotland "feart" means scared.

The useless thing on May's right is Scotland's only Tory MP. He won his seat by about 700 votes and the police are busy investigating his election expenses.

The useless thing on her left is the Tory leader in the Scottish Parliament. In July she said on TV that London should give Scotland another independence referendum following the outcome of the Brexit one. Now she says the opposite. Orders from head office in London... 

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