Today's Special

By Connections


Here's a glimpse of the bouquet that graced Yoga Northwest this afternoon -- I loved the contrast between that saturated blue and the more delicate colors behind it. 

I put my yoga mat down in the front left side of the studio, where the weekly flower arrangement stands on a low, small platform. That location suits me well, as I'm not distracted by looking at others as we move our bodies in ways not always easy, but always beneficial.

My life is filled with richness just now -- singing in a big choir again, becoming involved in a church that values social justice, sharing so much family history with my newly-discovered kinswoman, having plans to see good friends and family, looking forward to several holidays/vacations, and more. The downside of that is that I'm not keeping up with my friends here as I'd like, but I'm hoping to strike a better balance soon.

On the plus side, I'm limiting my exposure to the incessant idiocy of the narcissist captain of our ship of state and his clueless crew...

Blip 1764 

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