The rest of forever...

By DrMac

The boy is back...

A little camera shy, but home. Settled. Eating. All is well.

Today, in a walk, eggs, gym, school, breakfast, take staff training...

...receive phone call at 10.45am informing me that tomorrow's presenter is not coming. Apparently he can come on the 13th...WTF? Do these people not now know how a school runs? The training is on a brank spanking new IT system to track performance management, professional development, school development plan, SEF...all the most important things in a school that are normally on flippin bits of paper or random word documents. It's a geat system but no-one knows how to use it properly. We have planned a day of training around it. Insert a number of loud expletives and imagine my conversation with the woman on the end of the phone...


Tomorrow I am delivering the training.

God help me. Something along the lines of the blind leading the blind?

So quick blip...I'm off to prepare.

Oh. And no, I won't be paying them for their non-services!! I am, after all, called Dr Doom for a reason!!! ;0) xx

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