
By tpd

fair enough

The start of the traditional busy weekend... I'm not complaining, really! Swimming started again so +1/3 and +2/3 were off to the pool first thing; +1/2 was away early with the dog (training!) so I had +3/3 with me too.

Afterwards we took a run into Dundee (visit to a music shop); immediately outside the Overgate there was a rally against racism in Dundee going on. I've not heard that kind of political speaking since I was a student. Back to Abernethy, lunch then a visit in the afternoon from JohnP and Karen; they dropped off some records they want ripped and in exchange I tried to wind them up about the not too distant arrival of their first child :).

+1/2 returned late afternoon to proclaim that the dog had not only done well at training, he'd got two rosettes. Unheard of. I suspect they got him mixed up with another, more sensible spaniel.

Down to Edinburgh to play a gig in the evening then back by 1:30am. Ideal preparation for a half marathon...

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