Appreciating contrastng considerations
Nid yw ymddangos i fod yn bosibl i edrych drwy'r lens heb ryw fath o werthfawrogiad, hyd yn oed pan beth dych chi'n gweld nid yw'r peth mwyaf pert. A phan mae'n bosibl werthfawrogi bod pobol eraill yn gwneud synnwyr gwahanol o'r byd, mae'n bosibl teimlo mwy amyneddgar gyda'r byd fel dyn ni'n ffeindio fe, a phobol fel dyn ni'n ffeindio nhw.
It does not appear to be possible to look through the lens without some sort of appreciation, even when what you see is not the most beautiful. And when it is possible to appreciate that other people make different sense of the world, may feel more patient with the world as we find it, and people as we find them.
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