My son's birthday isn't officially until the 26th but we decided to go celebrate it this evening as he flies back home tomorrow. Our dinner was at a well-known establishment but it was a comedy of errors. Far too lengthy to tell you everything that happened....but, when the manager knows you by name and has returned to your table 6 times to apologize? And you end up getting your meal for free? Suffice it to say that we made some memories ; ) We all started to laugh so hard...what else can you do?
Main blip is my daughter listening to one of my son's many stories as we had hours to wait before we got served.... Extra is of the birthday boy avec moi. (Aren't I getting brave to be in photos twice in one week???).
One more day....have a good one!
D x
p.s. Didn't mean to have my watermark on the photos. Whoops! Too tired to sort that out.....oi x
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